Friday, May 17, 2013


Well I am writing this morning after six weeks straight of trial. My wife has been struggling with medical issues and concerns for six weeks. Now some may read this and say toughen up boy...I have been in trials for years on end. And to those that say that, I humbly say carry on. God is faithful. But I think what I am writing about, you can fully understand. See there are trials that are hard to go through...but when you come out the other side you take a breadth. But in the midst of are wondering when you may ever get a breadth. James 1 says that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. In the midst of trials and in thinking I need to breath...God tells us to count it joy. God is using this to test your produce steadfastness. In the midst you may be tempted with...forget steadfastness, I want to be done. But take heart that God in His love for you and for His glory is producing and working in you. Taste and see that the Lord is good. May God be my ever present help in Lord and Master. Take Heart My Friend

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