Saturday, May 18, 2013

Is God Enough?

Interesting question isn't it.  We all say God is enough...but right now in your heart of hearts do you believe that and live that?

Friday, May 17, 2013


Well I am writing this morning after six weeks straight of trial. My wife has been struggling with medical issues and concerns for six weeks. Now some may read this and say toughen up boy...I have been in trials for years on end. And to those that say that, I humbly say carry on. God is faithful. But I think what I am writing about, you can fully understand. See there are trials that are hard to go through...but when you come out the other side you take a breadth. But in the midst of are wondering when you may ever get a breadth. James 1 says that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. In the midst of trials and in thinking I need to breath...God tells us to count it joy. God is using this to test your produce steadfastness. In the midst you may be tempted with...forget steadfastness, I want to be done. But take heart that God in His love for you and for His glory is producing and working in you. Taste and see that the Lord is good. May God be my ever present help in Lord and Master. Take Heart My Friend

Thursday, April 18, 2013

God Works All Things Together For Good

So many people blurt this out...but where does it come from? God works all things together for good...I put the ... because that is a verse that doesn't stop there in the Bible. A lot of people stop there but why? I think they stop there because two reasons...but before the two reasons, let us look at the whole verse. Romans 8:28 ESV And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. So first reason...there is a condition...For those who love God. See not everyone loves God. We love ourselves...our possessions...our families...but not everyone loves God. Also tied to this is not everyone is called according to His purpose. Just a fact...but truth. So second...what is working together for good? Does this mean that God will most definitely take away the sickness that is so slowly killing the body. Will God most definitely give us a child because hey God...that would be good. NO. What is good? God being glorified is good. Hard fact...don't get me wrong. We want things to be the way we want them in life...but that isn't always how it goes. See for me to believe this verse...I have to trust God. I have to trust that Him being glorified is good. I have to trust that He Is Good. So do we always see the good. No. We don't but we trust that what God says is true. If you love God and you are called according to His purpose...well then it will work out for good but remember what good is.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Last night I was awoken by the lightning flashing outside our bedroom.  I thought it was kind of cool.  But then as I lay on my pillow my head started to rumble.  Then all of the sudden what felt like a tsunami of force crashed against the side of our house.  I could not help but think about the raging mighty power of God.  So as I laid there I prayed to my only refuge.. to the only one that could do anything about this storm.  I woke this morning to the sun shining and peace.  God you are my strong tower.. .my refuge in the storm.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

He Is Risen

Today is our day of celebration.  Jesus is risen.  He has prevailed.  He has conquered.  This is a great day.  Our Lord has conquered the weakness.  Let us celebrate.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Proclaim The Lord

As I started reading in Mark this morning I took note of John the Baptist.  He was out in the wilderness living a modest life...eating locusts yum.  What was he doing?  He was proclaiming the Lord.  Our Lord is coming back...not sure when but He is.  Let us then proclaim the Lord.  Repent and believe.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Morning Snow

As I wake this morning and see the snow...I am reminded that as much as I want spring to be here...our God is in heaven and does all that He pleases.  I am still thankful that my God is in control...even if He gives me snow.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


First off sorry it has been way too long. I want to make a commitment to writing on here on a more regular basis. So let's see how I do. So DIGG. Something I thought about while sitting listening to a sermon at my local church. DOES IT GLORIFY GOD? So everything I do, think, or say needs to go through this filter. Does it glorify God?...that thought I just had...well does it or does it not. Now if I do start to ask myself this questions with everything I do...great...but be careful to not make excuses. For instance, you start thinking about retirement and how you need to put more money in there. Does that glorify God? Maybe...why do you want to retire you ask yourself. Well if I want it to glorify God...I want to retire to spend more time in ministry. Great but REALLY? Is that the truth? Maybe it is true because currently you spend no time in ministry and if you retire you will spend an hour a month. Congrats sucker. You just made an excuse to run this thought through the DIGG filter. So just an encouragement...put everything through the DIGG filter but be careful of the sinful excuses. Later.