Thursday, April 18, 2013

God Works All Things Together For Good

So many people blurt this out...but where does it come from? God works all things together for good...I put the ... because that is a verse that doesn't stop there in the Bible. A lot of people stop there but why? I think they stop there because two reasons...but before the two reasons, let us look at the whole verse. Romans 8:28 ESV And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. So first reason...there is a condition...For those who love God. See not everyone loves God. We love ourselves...our possessions...our families...but not everyone loves God. Also tied to this is not everyone is called according to His purpose. Just a fact...but truth. So second...what is working together for good? Does this mean that God will most definitely take away the sickness that is so slowly killing the body. Will God most definitely give us a child because hey God...that would be good. NO. What is good? God being glorified is good. Hard fact...don't get me wrong. We want things to be the way we want them in life...but that isn't always how it goes. See for me to believe this verse...I have to trust God. I have to trust that Him being glorified is good. I have to trust that He Is Good. So do we always see the good. No. We don't but we trust that what God says is true. If you love God and you are called according to His purpose...well then it will work out for good but remember what good is.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Last night I was awoken by the lightning flashing outside our bedroom.  I thought it was kind of cool.  But then as I lay on my pillow my head started to rumble.  Then all of the sudden what felt like a tsunami of force crashed against the side of our house.  I could not help but think about the raging mighty power of God.  So as I laid there I prayed to my only refuge.. to the only one that could do anything about this storm.  I woke this morning to the sun shining and peace.  God you are my strong tower.. .my refuge in the storm.